Mobile development experience

My mobile development experience through the years.


What is Triple?

Triple is a digital agency. They develop all kinds of digital solutions, which includes native apps for Android and iOS
Triple has big customers like Vodafone, Max Verstappen, Heineken, Videoland, RTL and many more!

What is my experience at Triple?

At Triple I am a Android developer.
Working with tools/software architectures like Retrofit, Coroutines, MVVM, Dagger hilt, Compose, Kotlin Multiplatform,
See Projects for all the projects I've worked on at Triple.


What is Move?

Move is a mobile digital agency. They develop native apps for Android and iOS
Move has big customers like Ahold, Heineken, Dubai airport, Schiphol airport and many more.

What is my experience at Move?

During this time Move was actually called M2mobi. At M2Mobi I was a graduation intern.
Wrote a thesis about the applicability of Kotlin/Native for M2mobi
I worked in the Android department.

What is is a company that seeks to work on innovative solutions to all kinds of issues.

What is my experience at

At I worked on a schoolproject. desired an app that allowed visually impaired people to navigate indoor spaces.
This app functions as an end destination input system and a guide to the system. The companion watch app
Vibrates in different patterns matching directions.
At I learned Kotlin and bluetooth interfacing with hardware.


What is Decipher?

Decipher is a company based in Amsterdam who create React applications amongst other things.

What is my experience at Decipher?

At Decipher I worked on a schoolproject.
Decipher wanted to have an React-Native app based on their flazhback sports system.
Basically an app that allowed users (sport club members) to watch recorded sport footage from their matches.
At Decipher I learned React-Native and Redux.


What is Mirabeau?

Mirabeau is a digital agency based in various locations in the Netherlands. They even have an office in Paris. Mirabeau is specialized in making specialized digital solutions.
They have a big root feeling for innovation and want to keep being the company deliviring their customers cutting edge digital products

What is my experience at Mirabeau?

At Mirabeau I worked on a schoolproject.
They basically wanted a mobile version of their face recognition application.
For the sake of ease lets call that Project face. Project face let users walk infront of camera and be recognized if they are added in the database.
At Mirabeau I learned Android development with Java.


What is Appedemic?

Appedemic is a mobile development company in Wormerveer, the Netherlands. They develop cordova webapps based on Vue.js. They are just a couple of people big.
This can be very cozy but can also add a lot of responsibility on one person. Appedemic has some solid clients like Sweco and the vondelpark openluchttheater.

What is my experience at Appedemic?

At Appedemic I worked as an intern and in the summer as one of the team.
I learned to work with hybrid apps for the first time. I learned a lot of just doing. I learned the basics of JavaScript, HTML, CSS and Node.js.
It was a fun experience. However I lacked the basics of the used technologies and it often felt like working through habits instead of own insights.