Done studies

Table of done studies

Study name Time period Location
HBO-ICT: Software Engineering 2015 till 2019 HvA (Hogeschool van Amsterdam)
VWO 2009 till 2015 Werenfridus (Highschool in my hometown Hoorn)

Done courses

Table of done courses

Course name Learned at Certificate link
SOLID Principles of Object-Oriented Design and Architecture Udemy Certificate
The complete Rxjava 2 For Android development masterclass Udemy Certificate
Kotlin beginner to Advanced Udemy Certificate
Reactjs and Redux Udemy Certificate
React Redux Firebase CRUD Udemy Certificate
CSS Fundamentals Sololearn Certificate
HTML Fundamentals Sololearn Certificate
Java Tutorial Sololearn Certificate
JavaScript tutorial Sololearn Certificate
SQL Fundamentals Sololearn Certificate

Read books

Table of read books

Title of the book Date of reading
Web development library - HTML5 22-01-2019
Web development library - CSS 01-02-2019
Clean architecture - Robert C Martin 30-03-2019
Clean coder - Robert C Martin 01-04-2019